Panther Primitives - Historic Tents and Camp Gear

Tents of the Fur Trade (Mountain Man) Era

We make all types of tents for buckskinners, mountain men, and other living history reenactors who recreate the the time period before 1840. All of our tents are available in four types of canvas and are backed by our world famous guarantee. Full information is available in our 88 page catalog.

Historic Tipis and Camp Gear Hunter's Tent

A pyramid tent in 7 sizes that can be erected with two, one, or even zero poles! These can be set up by one person in 15 minutes and are extremely space efficient. A full selection of attachable flys, floors and options are available

Historic Tipis and Camp Gear Trader's Tent

This is a flat ended marquee, with 6' or 7' walls. You may chose between 6 standard sizes and lots of options.

Historic Tipis and Camp Gear Leantos

We make 14 sizes of Baker Leantos (Bakers have a back wall) and 4 sizes of Whelan Leantos (Whelan leantos have no backwall). These can be as fancy as you like, with a full line of options available, such as privacy curtains, front curtains, sod cloth, etc.

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